Why We Are Sponsoring The Canadian eLearning Conference

When we consider sponsorships, we’re most interested in investing our time and money in something that is aligned with our values. So, when I learned that the folks at the Canadian eLearning Conference were including a full lineup of speakers in accessibility and inclusion for a targeted programming track, I asked to sponsor it.  Being … Read more

Planning for Success with Stakeholders through Prototyping

I believe that all instructional designers can attest to the fact that all projects are not created equally. Very rarely does the process of developing a training experience flow smoothly from start to finish. Between pleasing multiple stakeholders, getting buy-in, and working with multiple organizations, forward progress can be hard to achieve. You feel things … Read more

xAPI with SCORM – Can you do it?

If you’re in the field of online learning, chances are you’ve heard of SCORM. What about xAPI? xAPI is exciting because it allows us to collect data about how people are interacting with content in ways we haven’t been able before. Many elearning tools like Articulate 360, dominKnow, Adapt, and others support the ability (in … Read more

Closed Captions or Subtitles?

Several years ago, I was working on an elearning course to teach police officers about post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD). I was at the stage where it was time to add captions to the videos we had curated. I had been using a tool called Descript to transcribe the videos, but there was one video that … Read more

Deliver and track learning experiences without an LMS!
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