Planning for Success with Stakeholders through Prototyping

I believe that all instructional designers can attest to the fact that all projects are not created equally. Very rarely does the process of developing a training experience flow smoothly from start to finish. Between pleasing multiple stakeholders, getting buy-in, and working with multiple organizations, forward progress can be hard to achieve. You feel things … Read more

Generating xAPI Statements in Articulate Storyline 2

Webinar Description After understanding the basics of xAPI, you might be wondering what Articulate Storyline offers in the way of statement creation.  Storyline offers a certain amount of “out-of-the-box” statements for certain actions.  However, with some simple JavaScript code, it can be extended to generate statements for more operations. In this webinar we will look at … Read more

Gathered Intel #10

This Week at Learning Ninjas: We have been designing scenario-based elearning with multi-level feedback loops inside of Storyline, and talking about how important the ecosystem is as we build interactive training and performance support solutions. If we don’t identify and capture enough of the right information from our content, we’re not doing our jobs. We need systems that enable … Read more

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