Building an ArtificiaI Intelligence (AI) Companion

What happens when your colleagues challenge you to create an AI bot for a speed dating competition at an industry conference? Well, if you’re like me, you take the challenge and create Nathan Hale, the charming AI companion. Image description: Sarah is introducing her AI bot, Nathan Hale, to Megan Torrance at the front of … Read more

Why We Chose to Rebrand the Company

I’m incredibly excited to announce that Learning Ninjas® is now Build Capable. We did not make this decision lightly. Learning Ninjas has a great reputation and is well recognized in the learning and development community. Clients tell us they love our brand and regularly wear our t-shirts out in the wild. So, why did we … Read more

Planning for Success with Stakeholders through Prototyping

I believe that all instructional designers can attest to the fact that all projects are not created equally. Very rarely does the process of developing a training experience flow smoothly from start to finish. Between pleasing multiple stakeholders, getting buy-in, and working with multiple organizations, forward progress can be hard to achieve. You feel things … Read more

Old School Style(s)

If you design or develop learning content, chances are you’ve been asked to cater to different learning styles. The idea behind learning styles is that individuals have preferred ways of taking in and processing information, and that teaching and learning can be made more effective by considering these individual differences. This shows up in learning design … Read more

xAPI with SCORM – Can you do it?

If you’re in the field of online learning, chances are you’ve heard of SCORM. What about xAPI? xAPI is exciting because it allows us to collect data about how people are interacting with content in ways we haven’t been able before. Many elearning tools like Articulate 360, dominKnow, Adapt, and others support the ability (in … Read more

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